Current image id: 119
New picture - Automatic update pause
This Person/Waifu Does Not Exist
StyleGAN GitHub paper
Making Anime Faces With StyleGAN - Gwern.net
There are 1000 images (𝜓=0.6) generated on this site.
The model used is transfer learned from Gwern's model with 988 original Asashio pictures, 18772 after data augmentation. The model was trained for a total of 42 hours on a single GTX970.
Current image id: 119
New picture - Automatic update pause
Inspired by:
This Person/Waifu Does Not Exist
Made possible by:
StyleGAN GitHub paper
Making Anime Faces With StyleGAN - Gwern.net
There are 1000 images (𝜓=0.6) generated on this site.
The model used is transfer learned from Gwern's model with 988 original Asashio pictures, 18772 after data augmentation. The model was trained for a total of 42 hours on a single GTX970.